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Privacy Policy 隐私政策


1. Introduction: Our Principles for Protecting Your Privacy

This Privacy Policy explains how Tiger Capital Development Co., Ltd. (“iPlus,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) will handle and safeguard the information you provide us when you use our service(s) listed in Covered Services section below (“Service”) and the choices you have to access and control your information. As explained in detail below, we follow these basic principles so that we may respect your privacy and protect your information:

(1) We will identify the purposes for collecting your information.

(2) We will inform you of the information that will be collected and seek your consent to collect, use, or disclosure your information.

(3) We will collect only information that is necessary to carry out the identified purposes of use.

(4) We will use or disclose your information only for the purposes for which it is collected, except with your consent or as required by law, and we will keep your information only as long as necessary to fulfill those purposes.

(5) We will endeavor to make sure that your information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

(6) We will protect your information by appropriate security safeguards.

(7) We will make our policies and practices for the handling of your information as transparent as possible.

(8) You always will have access to your information and will be able to correct your information as appropriate.

(9) We always will be accountable to you. You always have the right to voice your opinion regarding our compliance with the above principles and this Privacy Policy.














2. What Types of Information and How Does iPlus Collect from Me?

We obtain certain information from you that is necessary to allow you to use our Service. There are two basic types of information that we collect:


a. Information that You Provide

• Information Registered by Users

To allow users to use the Service as smoothly as possible, and to promote effortless communication between users, users may be asked to register additional details such as profile information, character names, etc. All such submissions are optional.

• Promotional Events

There may be occasions where you might will be asked to provide details such as your name, address, phone number, email address, gender, and date of birth, for the purposes of surveys, lot drawings, and other promotional events, where we require these details to courier prizes, and for the delivery of purchased products, etc., to you.

• User Contact Information

We collect user information when the user contacts us by our online inquiry form, including email address, device type, and OS type etc., to help establish the user's identity, for examination into reported problems and to provide an appropriate response to those inquiries.


b. Information We Obtain From Your Use of the Service

• Cookies

To provide the best possible service to users, as well as for maintenance and security purposes, Cookies may be used to store user settings, to record access figures as well as monitoring usage patterns and statistics. You can choose to deactivate Cookies. You, however, will not be able to use parts of the Service which require Cookies to be active.

• Logs

Upon access to the Service, your IP address, browser type, browser language setting, viewing history of Contents(such as title, duration, and frequency of Contents viewed) and the like will be automatically obtained and stored. Such information will be used to analyze user environments, thereby enabling us to provide a better Service, as well as to prevent any unauthorized/fraudulent activities which interfere with normal Service operations.

• Device Information

Your device information (OS type, serial number, etc.) might be acquired at times. This information will be used for the provision of a better service, as well as for identification purposes and prevention of any unauthorized/fraudulent activities which interfere with normal Service operations.












• Cookies文件


• 日志





3. How Does iPlus Use Information Collected?

We use information collected for the following purposes listed below:

• to offer an undisturbed and smooth Service to users

• to prevent any unauthorized/fraudulent use of the Service

• to aggregate statistical data regarding the Service

• to conduct research and analysis aimed at reviewing and improving Services

• to enable us to deal effectively with user inquiries

• to provide information regarding the Service etc., as well as advertising information from our business partners

• to provide new future developments regarding the Service

• to draw winners for promotional events, courier gifts to those winners, and deliver purchased products, etc.

• to perform identity checks when a user makes an inquiry etc.

• to notify you of any other important information regarding the Service and to contact you when necessary















4. Does iPlus Share Information Collected?

Other than as described in this Privacy Policy, iPlus will never provide your information to any third parties without your consent, unless we are obliged or permitted to do so under applicable laws.





5. Does iPlus Use Other Service Providers?

From time to time, iPlus uses service providers to assist iPlus to offer you the best service possible. Before we use a service provider, we ensure that these service providers will handle your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and relevant law.





6. How Do I Access My Information or Have It Corrected or Deleted?

iPlus has tried to and will continue to try to make it as easy as possible for you to control your information.

You can send us a written request at any time to confirm, correct, or delete any other personal information that iPlus holds which cannot be confirmed directly on the App. Upon verification of your identity, iPlus will respond to your request within a reasonable period of time in accordance with relevant law.






7. User Generated Contents: About Information You Upload

Please note that, in the course of using our Service, information you registered with us (such as profile name or pictures) or statistical data (such as your scores, rankings and achievements) may be viewed by other users.





8. How Long Does iPlus Keep My Information?

We will retain your personal information for the length of time needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.






9. Where Is My Information Processed and Stored?

To provide the Service, iPlus processes and stores information on secure servers in countries around the world. By continuing to use the Services, you agree that iPlus can transfer your information outside of your country.






10. Covered Services

This Privacy Policy is applicable to the following service(s):

• iPlus TV




• iPlus TV



11. Comments? Questions?

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or how iPlus handles your information, please let us know using our “Contact iPlus” form.





12. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We will amend our Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes to the Service and relevant law and regulation. You can always access our latest Privacy Policy directly in the App and on our website.

Where iPlus has provided Users with a translation of the English language version of the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "English Version"), the English Version will govern the relationship between Users and iPlus. In the event of a contradiction between the English Version and a translation, the provisions in the English Version shall take precedence over any other translation.





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